Chulkinala Tank Fill Scheme

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Chulkinala Tank Fill Scheme

Consultancy services for Detailed Survey, Investigation Preparation of Drawings, Designs, Detailed      Engineering, Reports, and civil works of Chulki Nala, - Karanja-60 and Karanja-90 Lift Irrigation Scheme


M/s Ocean Construction India Pvt Ltd

Project Description:

Detailed Survey and Investigation for the components of the lift scheme and identification of tanks (15 Nos. of MI/ZP tanks) and Chulkinala Reservoir and also Provide irrigation facility to Suffering Atchkat in Karanja- 60 and Karanja-90 including Remodeling of Distributary 70 and finalizing the locations of pump House and pipeline alignment in the best route-based on the survey and Investigation, Preparation of Alignment proposal Report. Civil designs and issue of Construction drawings for Weir, Intake structures, Jack well cum pump house, Rising Main and Gravity Distribution network, Delivery chambers, Surge protection systems, Design of Structures for crossings along the pipeline.

Area-15256 ha

Rising Main-17.50 Km

Engineering With Value


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