Hire Bagewadi Tank Filling Scheme
Consultancy Services for Detailed Survey, Investigation Preparation of Designs, Drawings, Reports for Civil Works of Hirebagewadi Tank filling scheme in Belagavi District by lifting water from Malaprabha River
M/s Ocean Construction India Pvt Ltd
Project Description:
Detailed Survey and Investigation for the components of the lift scheme and identifications of tanks to be filled and Filling up 62 MI/ZP existing tanks and Improvements for restoring the existing capacity of tanks including drinking water facility (bulk supply) and recharging ground water of 47 villages by proposing three impounding reservoirs and Finalizing the Techno-Economically feasible locations of Jack Well cum Pump House and pipeline alignment network route and Impounding reservoirs -based on the survey and Investigation and Preparation of Alignment Proposal Report for the R.M & Pipe Distribution Network and Preparation of Land acquisition proposal for R.M, Distribution network, Impounding Reservoir and appurtenant works and Designs and issue of Construction drawings for strengthening of existing Barrage, Intake Structures, Forebay Jack Well cum Pump House, Rising Main and Pressure & Gravity Distribution network, Delivery chambers, Impounding Reservoirs, Surge protection systems, Design of Structures for crossings along the pipeline