Mundgod Tank Filling Scheme

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Mundgod Tank Filling Scheme

Consultancy Services for Detailed Survey, Investigation Preparation of Designs, Drawings, Reports for Civil Works of Mundgod Tank filling scheme in Uttar Kannada District by lifting water from Bedti River


M/s Ocean Construction India Pvt Ltd

Project Description:

Mundgod and surrounding areas in Uttar Kannada District have requested the Government to consider and implement a scheme to provide tank filling of 129 tanks under KNNL project, which will help development of the area. The scheme envisages lifting of 0.742 TMC (twice in six months) of water from Bedti river through Rising Main and Pressure distribution system to fill 129 tanks including construction of structures for Drinking water and recharging ground water under Mundgod taluk, Uttar Kannada District. The Total length of rising main and distribution networks is 45 Km and 55 Km respectively.


Engineering With Value


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